Emo is a style of rock music that emerged out of the Washington DC music scene in the mid-1980s. "Emo" is short for "emotional hardcore," describing not only the bands' emotional performances but also their alternative, sensitive, or even angsty followers. While the Emo scene developed amongst self-proclaimed "anti-hipsters" that rejected the trends of the mainstream, it has been adopted by many teens and young twenty-somethings in recent years to fit in, rather than to remain on the outside. Emo hair trends are a reflection of that development.

Another distinct look and definitely one that's not to be missed would be the emo hair styles. The stereotypical emo fashion would mean greasy hair days but say no more! Nowadays, emo fashion has grown even an awareness of fashion divas and the divas themselves has also tried to check out the emo flair and fashion. With its popularity sky rocketing, even young girls can't help but adopt this distinct emo look. Following the trends would always be the norms and these gals would be more than happy to try out the style far from the normal EMO sub-culture that has long been introduced to society.
As for hairstyle, whether long or short - one thing is for sure, razor straight, one sided bangs leads the way. Another emo hairstyle would be the type where you dye your hair to a richer, darker shade of color. Usual colors are black (brunette), deep red, deep auburn or even black with streaks of pink will do the trick. Of course, blondes also have a say in styling and giving a new meaning to the emo hairstyle but bear in mind that the more natural and more vivid it looks, the better. Anything far from that is not considered emo anymore.
There are a lot of popular variations of this style; it requires styling and sometimes a personalized touch to crown the look. Teenage girls prefer the shaggy hairstyle or as they call it, emo shag. It still carries the basic element of sporting the straight one sided bangs. For those who are not yet ready to give up their beloved locks, the layered look can be a good, smooth start. Now in order to add pizzazz to their new emo hairstyles, most gals spend a lot on hair products. This, in order for them to achieve their desired look for the day - one that could capture their mood for the day.
Moving on, men have a lot of emo hair icons to choose from. There's Frank Iero sporting his one sided fringe of My Chemical Romance, Pete Wentz with his short spiky emo hair and Panic! At the Disco's very own Brendon Urie with the added old school touches to the look. There are a lot of misconceptions about this certain hairstyle, truth be told. The labeling of "greasy hair" is nothing but a false accusation. The need to revitalize the hair from the excessive amount of hair styling products is needed in order to keep it in shape. Men are not restricted to just styling their hair. There are a lot of vanity products which cater to emo boys and gals alike. There are hair wax products made for men to reduce the risk of having dandruffs and all sorts of "manly" vanity products. Truly, there are a million and one ways to wear these various emo hairstyles. From old school to new school to the classic greasy punk look to the many different Asian variations, one can definitely say that emo hairstyles are in and will be for quite sometime.
By : phie