The hypnotizing selection that Victoria’s secret shown on the driveway
was motivated by forests, tough love, wickedness, perfect little angels,
sportiness, a sense of fun, cuteness & naughtiness. In all the
taking colors & unique designs that are designed to create you
glimmer with appeal, its how you would create everyone talk & get
everyone's attention. The driveway had sparkling gold floor for the
ladies to walk on with their high heel shoes while showing the
Victoria’s secret underwear & bathing suits selection while adding
accessories the products with unusual clothes, components & jewelry
that helped to form each theme in a unique way with a different appeal.
You will discover pizza, tails, capes, barbells & overcoats made of
down, lace, natural leather, metal, arrows, lace & glass paintballs,
which all are components that added the look required in each clothing,
like making pizza out of white-colored down & putting on a costume
the model in white-colored lace bra & under garments set to give her
the simple perfect little angels look. The underwear they shown had
push-up aide, demi aide, swimsuit, tankinis, corset covers & bears
in gleaming materials with lace, cotton, spandex & a lot other,
you’ll also discover a selection of PINK products. It’s a powerful
selection for strong attractive women, which goes with every wanting
& lust.