One of the things I find sad about modern fashion is how casual we've become. Now that jeans and t-shirts are ubiquitous, it seems many of us have lost our flair for dressing well. Though knits are comfortable, most modern t-shirts and knit tops are made of such cheap fabric that they look a bit bedraggled after only a few washings. Why not choose a vintage blouse instead?
A vintage blouse is a great way to bring the past into your wardrobe without breaking the bank. And if you have trouble finding vintage dresses that fit, a blouse will be more forgiving, especially if you don't have a tiny waist. Pair a vintage blouse with a skirt, pants, or even jeans. Layer it under a jacket or cardigan for a look that is polished and different. The blouses shown here are all from 1962.

Shapely Classic blouse printed with blue and green leaves. Sold in 1962 for $5 (about $37 in today's dollar.) Hat by Sally Victor.

Lady Manhattan shirt with French cuffs adorned with big jeweled cuff links. Sold in 1962 for $6 (about $44 in today's dollar.) Hat by Emme.

Vera silk blouse in white with big black dots, worn with a black silk scarf. Sold in 1962 for $12 (about $88 in today's dollar.)

Mollie Parnis white silk blouse with button and buttonhole detail all the way around the collar. Belted in black patent.
Do you have blouses in your wardrobe? Have you ever tried a vintage blouse? Should I carry more vintage blouses at Couture Allure?