* Lean body
Haircut as a body can show that the impression of actually contains more. You can look feminine sebahu with long hair, wavy and berlayer. However, avoid hair styles that are too straight and long as it will make you look more lean. Meanwhile, short hair will make you look very masculine.
* Body fat
Haircut not too long and berlayer will make you look smaller than Lo. Ask the hairdresser to give you in the right side of the layer of hair left. Avoid the crop is too short, too long, wavy curls and body postures as you will look bigger.
* Small or tiny body
Hair straight and smooth style is best for your hair. We recommend that long hair or are just short with the layers and the volume at the top of the head. Avoid hair too long or too short because it will make your head look small and confirm the size of your body.
* Higher body & athletic
This form of body is suitable for various types of hair. Avoid ponytail hair style, hair style as it is only appropriate when you are healthy. Hair is long and wavy akan make you look feminine and 'refine' your character.
By : Phie