This is a stunning picture - strong muscly arms, intense stare, and that beautiful long bleached hair. And I really like the subtle (if unintentional) suggestion that his wrists might be tied together.

A bit softer and more clean-cut, this one. But that smouldering look still does it for me. The Italian caption says something like 'blonde, blue eyes... with a smile that sets feminism back 25 years'. I know what they mean.
Cool Mens Long HairCuts

From around the time of 'Kalifornia', I really like this look - a little bit trailer-trash, a little bit rock god, and more aggressive than the picture above.
mens long hairstyle
From 'Legends of the Fall' - I'm not so keen on the cowboy look myself.
He's got long bleach-blonde hair, he looks sort of pensive, he's got a cigarette on the go... and he's playing the guitar. Be still my foolish heart.
Long Hairstyles for men
celebrity Brad Pitt Long hairstyles
Brad Pitt with this long Hairstyles is so handsome! so cool !