The celebrities who flit like wig akan jubilance half may die if the opportunity to visit the Village Karangbanjar, Purbalingga. What article? In this village, there are hundreds of household menekuni expertise preparing the strand-strand of hair into various products wig, hairpin, or pine. Not to mention the dozens of large factories, scattered around the city Purbalingga, with tens of thousands of workers who are ready to produce millions of products and eyelash wig synthetic every month.
Karangbanjar village which is located approximately five kilometers northwest of the city Purbalingga, Central Java, since the 1970's has been synonymous with the craft of hair. The location is in the middle of the carpet near the rice field and the flow of rivers, the large village of mild valve is also famous as fishery products, agricultural and natural attractions. A complete village, indeed.
"But it rambutlah of the most famous early Karangbanjar make," said Atingah, the Village Head Karangbanjar. "From mid-1980's of products from hair copycat of our village, especially the hairpin and pine, have been spread to all over the country," said the mother together with her husband, Ngudiyono, manage the business of hair Fair Lady this.
Starting from only a few crafter, currently about 200 households with a pitch of his life to make handicraft products of the hair. Various types of handicrafts produced by the hair from the hand of the craftsman who most women. From various types and styles bun, pine, sasak, until the wig strand-strand curls or straight hair can be found here.
The Vitamin Poor
According Maryoto, owner of Hair Hair studio Vienna, Karangbanjar history of hair begins from the unique event. Narrate that he handicraft business in the hair Karangbanjar owe less on the vitamin. "The story here, 1960s, a lot of women's hair that is thin because of lack of vitamins, so disanggul difficult time weddings. If can, sanggulnya so small, "kisahnya while laughing terkekeh.
Tarmawi is a leader, a grandmother from Maryoto, the conditions change that. During one of his married neighbor, Tarmawi champion, which is helping the smug, outmanoeuvre tipisnya hair bun made with the bride's hair ties or pine. This grandmother had been collecting for the strand of hair strand rontokan neighbors, and with dipilah techniques cuthik (practice in the iron nails that ditancapkan to sebilah board, and hair ties disapukan repeatedly drawing the range to get hair strand-sheet with proportionate length). Hair ties that have been icuthik-d, and then cleaned with the boiled and then dried so that it becomes smooth and ready to be a hairpin.
Over time bergulirnya, handmade pine Tarmawi increasingly recognized leader in the bride. Many of them are pine with a book exchange of money. "Not the amount, only to change the term wong betel money," said Maryoto. Although not the return, in the year 1954 champion Tarmawi decided to make the expertise to make a pine profession. He also did not wait for more buyers, but around the menjajakannya from market to market around the Purbalingga. Business is then forwarded by grandchildren, Maryoto, the plunge in total in the year 1977.
"During the two decades that we are only selling pine. But starting 1980, when the hairpin is used to start many occasions, I also learned the official produce hairpin. How marketing is still the same, my pelvis from one market to another market, "Maryoto story. But this time the market is not only Purbalingga and surrounding cities only, but to Yogyakarta and Semarang. "Length of run, once people know my product, they began to come directly to the book home. Moreover, in many also began Karangbanjar citizens who make a bun, the choice becomes more and more buyers. "
Karangbanjar fame as the center of the hair also makes it easier to get the crafter of the hair. At the time, the previous time, they must find their own to salon-beauty salon, barber or hair to the pengepul in Central Java and East Java. At this time, the fact that pengepul to Karangbanjar. "Ibaratnya, now takes 5 tons of hair is we can get to easily," adds Maryoto.
However, the management of Paguyuban Tourism Village Karangbanjar this also does not regret the emergence of healthy competition between the craftsman to get the hair. "Here, the craftsman not compete in the marketing of products, but even jegal each other when looking for material," he said. "Many times we try to manage through a cooperative and paguyuban, but until now has not been successful as well," continued Maryoto.
Like saying "no sugar, no ant," the expertise and potential of the business of hair in the Village Karangbanjar attract a number of large capitalist. Began in 1999, appear one at a factory that produces products and hair cilia of synthetic imitation. Unfortunately, none of the 16 investors who have come from at this time in the country, all originating from South Korea.
"Mid-year 2005, even the entrance of the United States," said Maryoto. According to him, the new factory was established that this will be the largest and able to absorb 10,000 workers. "Factory-Korean factory that, at most every manufacturer employs only 2000 people only," augment him.
However, the presence of factories have capital is not a major hindrance for the home crafter. Section, most of the products produced by factories in the synthetic base materials and marketed abroad. "Most of their products from plastic hair why, so we do not tersaingi many," said Maryoto. Instead of as competitors, the presence of factories have even become a source for additional Rejeki Karangbanjar and surrounding areas.
"Rejeki is not because they made the factory employees, but the factories that make ritulan from crafter Karangbanjar," said Atingah. Ritulan is called the bond dipilah hair that has been based on the type and length of hair. "The factory was taken at least 10 inch long or about 27 centimeters. If less than that is considered not eligible and is usually re-processed by craftsman to make hairpin, pine, or sasakan wig, "added Atingah. Now, most of craftsman 200 switching from the hairpin ritulan a crafter.
Manjajaki Suriname
Menyoal marketing issues, both Maryoto holds Atingah and their products have a great opportunity to penetrate overseas markets. "Years ago I was requested to send sample products to Spain. Value is almost one million, plus the cost of shipping about 4 million. But because it is considered too thin and stylish Asia, eventually canceled orders, "said Maryoto.
Not jaded, and they then look Suriname countries as targets of marketing. Pertimbangannya in Suriname Javanese descendants of people who still hold the tradition of ancestors, including in berbusana. "But we do not have to start there because the capital constraints for the production and delivery. If there are investors who are interested, of course we will be happy to, "said Atingah.
The crafter Karangbanjar also realize that one of the spearhead of marketing is promotion. Therefore they do not shrink to the exhibition potential of various regions. "Most Semarang, sometimes also in Yogyakarta and Jakarta," said Maryoto. Diakuinya, order through exhibitions and marketing network products increasingly knowledgeable. Promotion is done through other brochures, the website managed by the local government and news media coverage.
"I remember once, the first television coverage in 1984 by TVRI Yogyakarta. If no one Reporternya Mas Joko Pitoyo. I am indebted to the coverage it once, because after a lot of buyers came from and claim to know TVRI broadcast that, "recollected Maryoto. Now, almost all television stations have covered the craft of hair in Karangbanjar.
"Especially when we make a giant bun in 2003. Bun this entry MURI record for reaching 170 kg weight with the size 3x2, 8 meters, "he added. Maryoto added cost of making a giant bun was reached Rp 15 million that are shared by the crafter. Until now bun is still displayed in the Regional Government Office Purbalingga. A region's economy Karangbanjar appropriate dibanggakan and developed.