How to get this pretty cool hairstyle?Here is an Experience from adamseyeduhl
he will tell you how he get this cool mens haircut.
I did it, I finally did it!! I got the Adam haircut! Let me describe my experience.
I got to the Paul Mitchell School, and signed in. The girl came out after about ten minutes, and I was mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do(I was scared it would turn out wrong, especially since these are beginner students). We got to the station, and she said, "Okay, how do you want your hair?" I pulled out a picture of Adam and said, "Can I get it like this?" A HUGE smile broke across her face and she said, "Is this Adam Lambert, from American Idol?" "Yes....?" "Oh, my God, I love him!! He's amazing, and he's a great singer!" I laughed, and we spent the next ten minutes talking about how amazing and sexy he was, and how her mother has pictures of him on her fridge! After that, people kept coming up to us and commenting how much they loved Adam! It was awesome!
Okay, so the only BAD part about this was that the haircut itself took TWO AND A HALF HOURS, because it was a teaching school and the supervisor had ten differentstudents at one time. And the chair got very uncomfortable after that time. But it was a lot of fun, and I love the cut!